A number of different kinds of doctors can diagnose ADHD.Which type you choose to examine your child depends in part on your access to subspecialists and in part on the degree of ADHD and the presence of accompanying disorders. A regular pediatrician or a developmental pediatrician (a pediatrician who specializes in learning issues) can generally manage a child with relatively mild ADHD. Both neurologists and psychiatrists diagnose and treat children with ADHD. Often, they see children whose ADHD is complicated by other medical or psychiatric problems. Pediatricians may refer a patient to either a neurologist or a psychiatrist when the diagnosis is unclear or when they feel that adequately managing an affected child is becoming difficult. A psychiatrist might be a particularly good option for a child with comorbid problems involving oppositional behavior, anxiety, or mood. Conversely, a neurologist might be the right choice for a child with comorbid tics, Tourette’s syndrome, or a specific neurological problem (e.g., seizures).
Although psychologists can not prescribe medication, they can diagnose and treat problems associated with ADHD. However, several types of psychologists are available, and their methods of assessment will differ. Clinical psychologists may use techniques similar to those of a psychiatrist. They will interview parents and child, gaining both historical and current information about developmental, academic, social, and emotional issues and other aspects of the child’s behavior. Other psychologists, usually educational psychologists or neuropsychologists, will use more quantitative measurements to make a diagnosis. Besides following the more typical interview procedures, these clinicians will perform several hours of testing to arrive at a diagnosis. Most certainly, significant school difficulties or outstanding social and emotional issues are symptoms that may warrant a more complete assessment by a psychologist, either through the board of education or on a private basis. In this way, a fuller picture of a child’s particular strengths and weaknesses can be obtained.
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